Yummy Vegan Tacos

Bueno dias! This post is dedicated to my sister as she keeps me in line regarding my blogging. I have so many ideas I want to post but I want the perfect photo or the perfect write-up and then I become overwhelmed and as a 

Inspired Spiralizer

This week’s favorite was something I had been looking for ever since I started eating raw. While I was home in Orange County for the holidays last year I managed to find a vegetable spiral slicer at Williams Sonoma. Unfortunately, they were sold out at 

Becoming Vegan

To be vegan means to live a life eating foods that are absolutely animal free. Typically people become vegan due to health and wellness, concerns for the environment, ethical preference, or political reasons. I know some vegans love to announce their veganism and how many years 

Pack in the Chlorophyll

Today’s favorite is the super power food known as wheat grass! Powdered wheat grass is different than what you may have tried in a small shot with a side of orange slice. Powdered wheat grass is more concentrated. I add a heaping teaspoon in my juice 

To juice, or to blend?

Which one is better for you? Both juicing and blending can be nutritiously beneficial. Last year for my birthday, I was given a juicer. We now have a delivery of weekly organic fruit and vegetable boxes. Starting the day with freshly squeezed juice gives me more 

My Favorites…

Wednesdays will be dedicated to my favorite products that I use and love. I couldn’t begin this segment of favorites without starting with my all-time favorite soap. I have used Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap for years now, and I am so happy Singapore carries this product.