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Fitness Friday

Like the alliteration, cheesy right? Well, I am going with it because it fits my topic. Last year I started up an adult ballet class. I have no dance experience, aside from a semester in high school, of which I was so painfully shy I 

To juice, or to blend?

Which one is better for you? Both juicing and blending can be nutritiously beneficial. Last year for my birthday, I was given a juicer. We now have a delivery of weekly organic fruit and vegetable boxes. Starting the day with freshly squeezed juice gives me more 

My Favorites…

Wednesdays will be dedicated to my favorite products that I use and love. I couldn’t begin this segment of favorites without starting with my all-time favorite soap. I have used Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap for years now, and I am so happy Singapore carries this product. 


If you are like me, I tend to think a million miles a minute. I can get so easily distracted, and I have trouble focusing on the most simple task. So recently I downloaded an app to help guide me in meditation. I know there 

Yours Truly…

Hello, and welcome to my creative outlet of everything I love. I am just going to lay it all out there. I am mildly obsessive when it comes to my health. While in high school, I became a vegetarian and my goal was to become