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High intensity interval training, or HIIT, is all the rage in the fitness world today. Rightfully so, this type of training is quick and effective and one of the best ways to get in shape. HIIT basically incorporates any workout activity with alternating levels of 

Back to basics

Today I met with some girlfriends for lunch and we started talking about health and nutrition. Two hours later, I came to the realization that other people may not be as health obsessed as I am. Granted, I am the first to admit that I 

Healthy online shopping

Quick post on Wednesday favorites. Maybe you have heard of this website, but in case you haven’t check out and be prepared to spend at least an hour checking out the items. I use this site to purchase items either too expensive here in 

Glass half full

This may be a completely selfish post, but it will help keep me accountable. I am sometimes plagued by negative thoughts when I have so much in my life to be grateful for. Why does it seem so easy to fall into negative thinking? The 

How sweet it is…

Sugar has been given the bad rap. Let’s be clear, I am not talking about fruit sugars. I am talking about refined, and highly processed sugar. Today we can find sugar in cereals, juices, breads, smoothies, and even toothpaste! Sugar is everywhere and unless you 

The joys (and pains) of foam rolling

The recent sensation known as foam rolling has certainly made the rounds. I can understand the hype. Four years ago I ran my first half-marathon. Luckily I had a foam roller on hand because the 13.1 miles on the trail, during a hail and rain 

Becoming Vegan

To be vegan means to live a life eating foods that are absolutely animal free. Typically people become vegan due to health and wellness, concerns for the environment, ethical preference, or political reasons. I know some vegans love to announce their veganism and how many years 

Pack in the Chlorophyll

Today’s favorite is the super power food known as wheat grass! Powdered wheat grass is different than what you may have tried in a small shot with a side of orange slice. Powdered wheat grass is more concentrated. I add a heaping teaspoon in my juice 


I am sure some of you can relate to my obsession with Ted talks. I typically watch at least one a day. If you have no idea what I am talking about do yourself a favor and go to, pick a topic, and expand 

Let’s Talk Chemistry

You have probably heard of pH before, but never thought about using the pH spectrum in your diet. The pH scale ranges from 0.0 totally acid to totally alkaline at 14.0, with 7.0 being neutral. The ideal blood range pH is from 7.35 to 7.40